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2010.03.09. 01:10 

I'm 22 (years old).

I'm twenty-two.

He's about 22 (years old).

She is 22 years of age.


people who are aged 10

a 10-year-old man

a twenty-two-old student

a five-month-old baby


people who are aged 65 and over

people who are agd 65 or more

people who are the age of 65 or more

people who are aged 65 or older 

peple aged 25 and above


peple who are under 25

peple aged 25 and under

55% percent of them were below the age of twenty-one.


people who are aged between 15 and 34

popple who are between the ages of 4 and 6

people aged 14 to 18

people aged 15-25



He is in his twenties.

~in one's teens/ twenties/ thirties /forties/ fifties/ sixties


the elderly, the aged, the old

elderly people,aged people, old people, senior citizens


* old는 때때로 무례하게 들림

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